Feedback Anyone?

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I have been working at my new company for about 2 months now. Everyone is friendly and willing to helpful. However there is no feedback on the work I have done. Some of the work is still waiting on being reviewed. I know they say it is busy time and will be busy until April early May. I feel like I know what I am doing on somethings and no nothing on other things. I have been busy on most days not so much on other days. I can tell you it is a lot of VLOOKUP’s and attention to details. There is also a lot of Keywords that are used in documentation

I accepted another Job!!!!

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That is correct, I accepted another job. I would like to say, Thank you, to the friend that referred me. It took six interviews but they made me an offer. It did not take me long, but I accepted the job offer, as an IT auditor. I am looking to gain the experience and to put my knowledge to use in IT audits. I am looking forward to the challenge in working remote and also visiting client sites.

Well that did not last

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I made a call today. I made a call that I was not looking forward to. A call that was better then I hoped for. I called to tell him I am accepting a position for another company. He was not made. He was happy for me. He asked why I was leaving and I was honest. It was because I did not see a future in the company. The maturity of the company will come but I don’t think I was going to be a part of it. I am truly grateful that he offered me the position I did have that I only had for a couple months. I am truly grateful and anything I can ever do for him and I will do at a drop of a hat.

I would like to stay in touch with many of the people I have worked with; But we know how life goes, Some I will not talk to again. Some I will stay in touch with for some time. Some I will say I will but will not. Most of the people I have worked with are great and will go on and do great things. I hope I have touched their lives for the better.

To all of the coworker’s, friends and passing acquaintances

“May god stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.” -Ancient Egyptian Blessing


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So I was offered a new position at the new company. I can not say I was jumping for joy. I was not sad or mad. I was grateful for the position. It was a step back from what I was doing. I was grateful I had a job. I was grateful an old boss, a friend, a coworker. Someone I had great respect for. Called and offered me the Restaurant System Analyst position. What does the job intel. Menus and updating pricing and setting up items on a few systems.

Over 15 years and a good bye

15 years and I need to find another place to work. 15 Years, I have worked at one place and they let me go. 15 years in IT working from Help desk to SR. Project management. I have known that this was a possibility since they bought us. 4 months. They did not let us know if they were or not, then on a Tuesday morning 2 month before the day they told me. It was not anything but a business decision the cold choice. 15 years of memories good and bad. I will say I cried. I didn’t do it in front of them; But I cried. I also laughed with others. I cried in a group of friends and coworkers. I will finish out with my task until the day they let me go. I will see several of the things I help build and implement are no longer being used and being put to the side to never see the light a day again. Many hours of work gone and will be forgotten.

To everyone I have worked with and are in the same boat I am in. We will land on our feet and come out of this better then what we were before.

Good Luck and my our paths cross again.


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I help out with the audits were I work at. One of the things we push each year is password security. The things we cover on the password security is the following.
1. Do not write down the password.
2. Do not share the password in email, on the phone or anyone that asks.
3. The password complexity.
I have seen these rules broken several times in one way or another. Being told that they write the password down. Sending the password in email. Just being told the password or having an excel file with passwords in it. Even a password in plain text in a batch file. Educating coworkers os hard. Some get others don’t. Biometrics give companies to much information about yourself. How do you get people to care about password security?

Strange Noises

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I was at work on a Saturday. I did not need to be there; but since I was there giving back the weed eater I borrowed. I might just see what work came up since I left on Friday. Now I did not turn on the lights since half of the were on already. I just went to my desk and logged in. Then I heard it. I could not believe what I heard. Considering there were people down the hall. There was no mistaken it. The noises were of a pleasure type. I was frozen in place. I tried to convince myself that it was not. Then the moan and self enjoyment got louder. I heard a deeper and different voice. I was done. I just stood up and walked out. I was not going to stay and listen to that and left. The problem is going to be on Monday. Its going to be hard to go to work with out think of this.

Being Trolled

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I have recently taken a new position at the company I work for. I have given a coworker access to write on the blog since he is still working on help desk.  Since I have taken the position  I have a cubical that is mine. I don’t share with anyone else. Which I really enjoy. A couple of Days after I started working.  I got trolled by an ex-coworker. He put up some Justin Bieber pictures around my cubical. On that day I came in twenty minutes early and took them down before anyone could see. But I was wrong a programmer saw them the night before. They were put up before she left that night. She told me she went over to help desk to ask about it.


I came in the other day and I got trolled again. This time it was Christmas lights up in my cubical. I really liked the lights. It brightened up my space but I did take them down because I thought I forget about them and burn the place down.

Prank that was left and an awkward moment!

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I was in our Backup tap room, which is the size of a closet. It’s got a computer on a desk, a tape drive and a chair in this closet. There is no windows in this closet and you have to know the code to get out . But there is a camera on the ceiling. The other day I was been shown the job of rotating the tapes. We open the door and laying on top of the tap drive there was an adult magazine. Which would not bother me but the person showing me this process was a female coworker. Just listening to what to do and pretend it was not there. But she did mention a thing about it and all I did was point to the camera. Talk about awkward moment.

The next day the person that set that up told me about it. He brought the magazine in to prank Night help desk. He also wanted to leave tissues and lotion but thought that might be to much.  I did inform him that no one on nights goes in there except on rare occasions any more.

When things go wrong

I was talking with one of the tech’s I work with on Skype when suddenly I get this message from him:

[8:48:04 AM] Bryan: on call
[8:48:15 AM] Bryan: just heard a big crash and then oh s**t!
[8:48:40 AM] Bryan: the monitor fell on this guy and busted on him